Monday, March 22, 2010

And today...

In my effort to keep up here, Today was a fun day. Although I didn't get to sleep till 6 A.M. and got cranky throughout the day it was still pretty fun. Again we played video games for a good part of the day then we went out at about 5 P.M. to get some family photos done. A friend is building her portfolio and gave us a great deal. As soon as I get the pictures back I will share them. She is very easy to work with and my kids (which are incredibly shy) warmed up to her quickly.

When we got home I made dinner, I put all games on hold for the night and we enjoyed some Indiana Jones Movies. I also made a fire. It is actually pretty hot here in Ridgecrest but my kids love a fire so I caved and built it anyway. I have no idea what we are going to do the rest of the week because, well because there is nothing to do in this town. Especially when you're broke. Maybe a park or something. we will see.

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