Saturday, May 9, 2009

Show this weekend!

Holy crap. I haven't had time to do much. Well that is, much extra. Between publicity, school, my job, kids, and girlfriend I have very little me time. It doesn't bother me that much but I am looking forward to having it soon.

The play "Little Shop of Horrors" opened this weekend and yesterday we sold completely out. That has not happened at the college that I have knowledge of. This makes me very happy. All the people involved have been working hard on this project and I am very proud of what we all have accomplished.

As for my divorce... although it has been finalized in court by a judge there is a big brick wall holding something up, I'm not sure what is being held up but I know it is. I'm sure its the court clerks office because it is filled with morons and pricks (save one). Their supposed to fill out something and my ex is supposed to file something or something...all I know is that I have done my part of everything as far as I know and it seems as if I cant help it along. I will check Monday and see if they can figure out their mistake. But all that is small frys really because I'm not the one who wants to remarry, so as long as I am seeing my kids, I don't really care how long it takes if I'm not the one to blame. If it is me than I am completely in the dark.

My Brother is leaving Iraq in a few days and that makes me happy. He seems to have a tough time with wanting/not wanting to be there because he knows if he is not watching over his brothers in arms, they are not getting the proper protection, or direction they could be having if he were there. On the other hand his beautiful family whom he loves with all his heart is home stateside without him while he is away, not being able to have his wisdom at their disposal. He has made some great sacrifices and hard decision but I for one think he is a better man and greater human for it. That will never change in my eyes.

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