Saturday, September 6, 2008

General shizzy.

So it's been almost a week of me being smoke free and I think I'm doing pretty good, I have had cravings but I'm trying out this new fad to help me quit, I think its called "self control". Its an interesting little tool and I wonder how long it has been in practice around the world. Classes are going good but I always hate the begining, it always seems so slow and I want to cut right to the good stuff and skip all the weird shit (thankyou very much voice class) I'm not trying to "campign" right now but as I have said before I am running for Vice-President of the theater arts club. I have many ideas and want the club to have more members, more fun, and more particapation. So if you have a chance Go to the theater arts club meeting Thursday at 7:30 p.m. even if you dont intend to vote for me, the more people that are there the better the club will be. O.K. enough of that...for now. Tonight I am going to go watch the fight at a friends house. I don't know exactly who is fighting but I love to watch a good sporting event. As per my new reulations of working out, I have decided I am going to walk there. Its not to far away but I think I will leave an hour early and stop by the store for a beer or two for the fight. I haven't been in shape for about 10 years probably so I am excited to see how much better I will feel in general.

1 comment:

Very Mary said...

Right on Mr. Smokeless! I just got a prescription for Chantix, which I hope is more effective than my LACK of self-control. I admire you endlessly! And thanks for the bday wishes. ;)