Saturday, November 1, 2008

I must be slipping.

I did the final night of the spook house and it went great, I made kids cry :) As I was there until 11 I was unable to go to a party and that annoyed me a little bit but we all must make sacrifices for the things we want to do. Not to mention I could spend some alone time with my girlfriend. That being said I woke up feeling great, no hangover and I'm up early. I decided to check on some blogs and had more to read than I really wanted but I read anyway. During the day yesterday my girlfriend and I carved pumpkins and my friend came over and we started writing our movie again. He had moved away and it made it a little difficult to work on but getting back into it, we have made some good changes. I can't wait to get back into acting for a living, right now I am doing it but not being paid and not being paid makes it hard to live.

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