Sunday, July 6, 2008

What a weekend!

My fourth of July weekend started off on Thursday the third. I drove down to Socorro, NM to spend some time with an old friend named Daniel. We met up at a brewery down there and had an early dinner. I had steak and a dark stout ale, he had what resembled a huge saltine cracker his words were something along the lines of “can I get pizza bread with no sauce just some olive oil and some salt, cook that bitch up.” So we finish up and go over to his place so he can get changed from work and get ready to go out. The plan was to meet up at a bar, hang out, drink and wait for his friends whom he wanted to introduce me too, or introduce them to me, or for us all to meet each other. Throughout the night people come and go and I end up meeting Jamie, Amanda, John, Marcus and a few others who I have forgotten their names. We all got the pleasure of meeting some one who we started calling “Liberty Bell” because he had on a shirt that resembled the flag of our great nation. Somehow he had leached onto our group and became very fond of me. He stood way to close, asked questions I had no idea how to answer, and tried to touch me way too much. Let me describe this man in detail, about 5’7’’, small to medium build, dark skin (either Mexican or Native American) his tooth line didn’t start until just behind where his K-9’s should have been (both top and bottom) a shirt that had stars and strips on the sleeves, and eyes that were as blank as a fart, real high class. He spent his time with everyone but kept coming back to me and as I became more and more visibly uneasy Jamie starts in with, “Hey Chad, remember when we got married that one time?” I thought to my self “I don’t know where you’re going with this but I’ll play along and I hope it helps.” So I said “yea, that was crazy huh?”
“yea that was a crazy year. I was so drunk.”
“Well Vegas can do that to you”
“Oh man, our therapist thought you were an asshole!”
“Well she called you a bitch.”
“When I was fucking her.”
As we talked she came closer and closer and got in between L.B. and I so we could have our little discussion. I had only just met her and am in a good relationship but I was very welcoming to having her as a barrier between L.B. and I. He just stood there and listened as we went deeper and deeper into “our fucked up relationship.” He asked if we had kids and I let her field that one waiting to see what I could add to it, “No, I was pregnant once but he was so sweet and pushed me down the stairs.”
“Yea, but we were on coke. That shit will fuck you up man.”
The rouse worked for a little while until we all gathered for a picture and the asshole taking it tells L.B. “Get in there man.” So where does he go? Right in between Jamie and I. He basically squeezed her out and stood right next to me. After a few hours of this crap we finally had enough and someone asked the bouncer to ask him to leave. It took a few attempts but he finally left. I then thanked Jamie for helping me out and for being so funny. We all hung out until the bar closed went home drank until the sun came up and got very little sleep for the fourth. On the fourth we meet up with Jamie, Amanda, Ian, and John ate lunch and fired off some fire works. Now New Mexico has the cool fireworks, the ones that explode and go in the air and all that cool shit. So we shot a few off and at nine o’clock we went to the golf course, laid out a blanket and had some beers as the towns show went off over our heads. It was a very good show and I got some amazing pictures. After the show was over we went back Jamie and Amanda’s house, fired off what we had left, went to the bar had some more drinks then back to the house for some beer pong and then around three Daniel and I went back to his place for some rest, he had to work in the morning. The next day we had lunch at the golf course and I waited around his house until about six. I walked down to a bar called “The Stage Door” where Jamie worked and waited for Daniel to get off work. That night we ended up back at Jamie and Amanda’s house for more booze and more good times. Needless to say but I had a wonderful time with my friend, meeting new ones and blowing shit up.

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